ELLIPSE POSTVENTION is a new project co-financed by the European Union's Erasmus+ program. This innovative small-scale partnership project focuses on adult learning and involves partners from Sweden and Poland (Project ID: 2023-1-SE01-KA210-ADU-000157831). The project runs from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2024.
The project will offer an online course in postvention, available in Swedish, Polish, and English. Additionally, there will be three webinars on postvention, covering the following topics:
- Postvention for young people
- Support for suicide loss survivors
- Guidance for Health and Medical Services, and Social Services
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World Suicide Prevention Day Webinar
For World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10, 2023, ELLIPSE POSTVENTION will bring you some statistics on suicide among young people, and a conversation on the topic: "Three reasons why I didn't give up", in a webinar in Swedish with subtitles in English.
View Webinar

We look forward to being able to enrich the ELLIPSE Gatekeeper+ Course in Suicide Prevention at the educational platform Navoica.pl with a course on postvention in collaboration with:
- Jagiellonian University in Krakow (project leader: Tomasz Milewicz)
- Polish Association of Suicidology (project leader: Szymon Wojczakowski)
International project leaders:
Anna Baran and Maiellen Stensmark
SPES Blekinge

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